Past Programs

Wisdom for Transformation -2024

With Tim Boyd

The Midsouth Federation of the Theosophical Society in America held its annual conference on April 26-28, 2024, at the Kanuga Conference Center near Hendersonville, North Carolina.  Our featured speaker was  Tim Boyd, whose spoke on the topic of Wisdom for Transformation.  Tim Boyd is currently the International President of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, India and has been a student of the Ageless Wisdom since his encounter with Bill Lawrence in 1973, which led to the founding of a spiritual community that was active in Chicago for twenty-five years.  He has also served as the National President of the Theosophical Society in America, on the National Board of Directors, and the Theosophical Order of Service.

Initiation -2023

With Kurt Leland

The Midsouth Federation of the Theosophical Society in America held its annual conference on April 28-30, 2023, at the Kanuga Conference Center near Hendersonville, North Carolina.  Our featured speaker was  Kurt Leland, whose presented on the topic of Initiation and conducted a workshop on developing inner senses for the exploration of consciousness based on his book The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral ProjectionKurt Leland, professional intuit, award-winning poet, composer and author, is a national speaker for the TSA. 

Evolution of Consciousness – 2022

With Pablo Sender and Barbara Herbert

The Midsouth Federation of the Theosophical Society in America held its annual conference on April 22-24, 2022, at the Kanuga Conference Center near Hendersonville, North Carolina.  Our featured speakers were Pablo Sender and Barbara Herbert, whose spoke on the topic of the Evolution of Consciousness.  Pablo Sender is a beloved author, national speaker for the TSA, and devoted student of Helena Blavatsky.  Barbara Herbert is past president of the TSA.

Esoteric Instructions -2019

With Michael Gomes

The Midsouth Federation of the Theosophical Society in America held its annual conference on May 3 – 5, 2019, at the Kanuga Conference Center near Hendersonville, North Carolina.  Our featured speaker was  Michael Gomes, whose topic Esoteric Instructions was based on his book of the same title.  Michael Gomes is the Librarian of the Theosophical Society Lodge in New York city, is a national speaker for the TSA and devoted student of Helena Blavatsky.

What Transformation Means In Your Life -2018

With Aryel Sanat and Nori Rao

The Midsouth Federation of the Theosophical Society in America held its annual conference on April 27-29, 2018, at the Kanuga Conference Center near Hendersonville, North Carolina.  Our featured speaker was Aryel Sanat, whose topic was What Transformation Means in Your Life: From Ancient Wisdom to Our Quantum Times.  Aryel Sanat is a national speaker for the TSA and author of the insightful book: The Inner Life of Krishnamurti.

 Nori Rao, President of the Florida Federation, spoke on The Branches of Yoga and performed sacred dances to live music.

Voice of the Silence – 2017

A Workshop With National Secretary David Bruce

Two years before her death, H. P. Blavatsky published a small book called The Voice of the Silence. Since its initial publication in 1889, this marvelous work has established itself as a true theosophical classic, whose timeless message of selfless service has touched generation after generation of Theosophists. During this workshop, we will explore some of the memorable verses from The Voice, and discuss some of its distinctive stylistic features.

David Bruce is a third generation Theosophist, with his mother, father, and grandmother having been members of the Theosophical Society in Milwaukee. He is national secretary of the Theosophical Society in America (TSA) where his current responsibilities include working with local TS groups, scheduling national speakers, managing the National Lodge courses, and supervising the TSA prison program. In his spare time, he enjoys reading books on history and working out at the gym.

Seeing Clearly – 2016

Join us for presentations on Clear Seeing ranging from the transformative power of forgiveness, an exploration of death from the Theosophical and Near-Death-Experience perspective to an experiential exploration of our capacity for clear seeing (clairvoyance) in all we do.

Kurt Leland is a TSA National speaker, professional intuit, award-winning poet, composer and author. His most recent book, The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection is a how-to book on developing the inner senses for exploration of consciousness.

Betty Bland, immediate past National President of the Theosophical Society in America, has presented workshops and lectures on the spiritual life in the United States and abroad.  Her interest in the practical application of spiritual principles to everyday life situations, has drawn her to involvement in demonstrations and civil disobedience in North Carolina in the cause for social justice.  She also is treasurer for the national Theosophical Order of Service, chairs a local Theosophical Study Center. treasurer for her community club, and on the vestry of her local Episcopal Church.

 Mastering the Art of Living:  Intentionally Molding Our Own Destiny – 2015

This program, based on practical Theosophical principles, is designed to help us lead more effective and rewarding lives. Through group interactions and meditations based on ageless insights into the nature of human consciousness, we will learn to achieve a more fully integrated self.  These practices will help us explore our higher potential, nurture more effective relationships, and become aware of personal obstacles which may be preventing the realization of our goals.

Tim Boyd, National and International President of the Theosophical Society has been a student of the Ageless Wisdom since his encounter with Bill Lawrence in 1973 which led to the founding of a spiritual community that was active in Chicago for twenty-five years.  He has also served on the National Board of Directors and the Theosophical Order of Service.

National Past President of the Theosophical Society in America, Betty Bland has presented workshops and lectures on the spiritual life both in the United States and abroad.  She is interested in the practical application of theosophical principles to everyday life situations.  Having served on the Board of Directors of the Theosophical Order of Service and Theosophical Book Gift Institute, she has been a member of the Society since 1970 and has served in many capacities for local and regional activities.  She currently leads the Research Triangle Study Center in Raleigh, NC.

Mihaela Wachsman, MA in Exercise Science (Temple University in Philadelphia) is a Yoga/Qigong Instructor, personal trainer, Therapeutic Touch practitioner and Self Transformation facilitator who currently resides at the Krotona Institute of Theosophy in Ojai, CA. Mihaela participated in former Philippines National President of Theosophy, Vic Hao Chin’s Self Transformation course ten years ago, and then again last January, after which she took the training to become an ST Facilitator. Profoundly grateful to the teachings of Theosophy and her many teachers who have influenced and guided her, Mihaela practices gaining mastery over her own mind and feels strongly about giving back by working on herself, while being of service for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Meditation, Study, Service: A Path to the Spiritual Life – 2014

“Sacred Spaces Lost and Found: Where are they, what are they and why are they emerging now?” Holly Sullivan McClure Born into a family of mystics, preachers, storytellers, healers and bluegrass magicians, Holly has tried all of these personas herself, except for bluegrass musician.  Preacher took awhile, but on May 16, 2010 Holly was ordained into the priesthood of the Celtic Christian Church.  Author of fiction and nonfiction, her nonfiction reflects her spiritual work with addition and draws on a wide range of Gnostic and Hermetic studies.  Fiction ranges from a Young Adult Ghost series, paranormal thriller and end-times suspense.  She is an inspiring lecturer and teacher on a wide range of topics and is President of Sullivan Maxx Literary Agency, LLC.

“The Virtue of Silence” David Bruce is a third generation Theosophist, with both his mother and father as well as his maternal grandmother having been members of the Theosophical Society.  From 1985 to 2003 David was active in the Milwaukee Lodge where he served as president, program chairman and treasurer.  In 2003 he joined the staff at the national center of the TSA where he served as Director of Education until 2010, at which time he assumed the duties of National Secretary.  David attended the Berklee School of Music in Boston for two years and after a three-year stint in the US Army, he continued his education at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee where he obtained his BFA.  After university, David took a detour into the electronic distribution industry where he worked in sales and customer service for over 20 years, working for Motorola Semiconductor, Future Electronics, and other electronic distribution firms.  For relaxation, David enjoys watching French films and practicing Tae Kwon Do, a Korean martial art of which he is a third degree black belt.

“Meditation: The Pathway to Spiritual Intuition” Ed Abdill author of The Secret Gateway is Vice President of the Theosophical Society in America and past President of the New York Theosophical Society.  He lectures for the Society throughout the United States and internationally.

“Relationships:  A Key Ingredient to Happiness” Betty Bland National Past President of the Theosophical Society in America, Betty Bland has presented workshops and lectures on the spiritual life both in the United States and abroad.  She is interested in the practical application of theosophical principles to everyday life situations.  Having served also on the Board of Directors of the Theosophical Order of Service and Theosophical Book Gift Institute, she has been a member of the Society since 1970 and has served in many capacities for local and regional activities.

Theosophy in Nature: Inspiration from the Natural World – 2013

 “The Wisdom of Now – Beyond Self Determination” and “The Essentials of Spiritual Practice” Tim Boyd, National President of the Theosophical Society in America has been a student of the Ageless Wisdom since his encounter with Bill Lawrence in 1973 which led to the founding of a spiritual community that was active in Chicago for twenty-five years.  He has also served on the national board of directors and the Theosophical Order of Service.

“Nature’s Techniques of Self-Transformation:  Illumination and Humanity’s Ultimate Goal” Dr. Scott Olsen describes his work as “a new unified, but very ancient way of looking at nature and reality which may help heal the schism between domains of science and religion.  Insights into the harmonic numerical patterns behind all phenomena may show the way for solving the most difficult problems in not only physics, bilogy and aesthetics but also in the foundations of transformative spiritual experiences.  Dr. Olsen, Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Central Florida College, is the author of The Golden Section:  Nature’s Greatest Secret and Divine Proportion: The Mathematical Perfection of the Universe.

“Nature as Friend and Guide” and “What It Means to be a Theosophist” Kathryn Gann has been a student of Theosophy since 1994 and currently serves as President of the Denver Theosophical Society, Western District Director of the TSA, and Director of the Theosophical Order of Service (USA).  She especially enjoys integrating wisdom teachings, nature photography, and music to open the heart and allow its alignment with mind and soul.  She also enjoys learning and sharing energy healing techniques that lift emotional burdens to allow freer, more authentic expression.

“Nothing is Everything:  Religious Naturalism in the Light of Modern Cosmology and Ancient Wisdom” Nick McKnight first joined the Theosophical Society in 1989 and is a long-time member of the Atlanta Lodge, where he and his wife, Rev. Judith Steinman, were married.  A North Carolina Native, Nick attended Duke University and has worked for the past 17 years in the field of software development and support.  He is a long-time member of the National Center for Homeopathy and has traveled numerous times to Puttaparthi, India.

Follow Your Dharma: Skillful Daily Living  – 2012

“Practice and Inner Journey” and “What is Enlightenment?” John Cianciosi was ordained a Buddhist Monk in Thailand in 1972 and trained under one of Thailand’s most gifted and influential meditation masters, the late Venerable Ajahn Chah.  In 1982 John was asked to establish a Buddhist monastery in Perth, Australia.  For the next fourteen years he was instrumental in successfully establishing a Bodhinyana Monastery and Dhammaloka Buddhist Center.  During this time he served as Abbot and Spiritual Director of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia.  In 1995 John left the monastic life and moved to Chicago where he continues to share his insights and wisdom as a lecturer at the College of DuPage and at the Theosophical Society in America.  He has authored two books:  True Freedom and The Meditative Path.

“Living Mindfully” and “Tuning In With the Master Within” Juliana Cesano joined the Theosophical Society in her native country of Argentina.  She has served on the staff of the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, Chennai, India.  She has presented internationally, written for Theosophical journals and currently lives and works at the TSA headquarters in Wheaton, IL.

“Ritual Practices in Daily Living” Steve Nelson has been an active member of the Theosophical Society in America since 1973.  Following a keen interest in natural cycles and diverse religious traditions, he published several editions of the New World Cycle of Celebrations, a guide to cross-cultural spiritual practices throughout the cycles of the year.  Steve is a professional life cycles counselor who uses tarot and name analysis, along with Jungian-based mythological astrology to help clients understand their personal myths and realize natural abilities.  His original research includes rediscovery of the Earth Zodiac and its application in understanding the diverse development of the world religions in their various zodiacal zones of the world.  Steve presented a set of daily spiritual practices that derive from a wide range of religious and cultural traditions.

“Guidance for Life” from Light on the Path  Betty Bland was National President of the Theosophical Society in America and has presented workshops and lectures on the spiritual life in the United States and abroad.  She is interested in the practical application of theosophical principles to everyday life situations.  Serving also on the Board of Directors of the Theosophical Order of Service and Theosophical Book Gift Institute, she has been a member of the Society since 1970 and has served in many capacities for local and regional activities.  Her professional life has included work as a teacher, employment counselor, systems analyst and entrepreneur.