Upcoming Elections

To all members of the Mid-South Federation of the Theosophical Society in America:

The tenure of our current officers on the board of the Mid-South Federation will be expiring soon, and an election will be held at our April 28-30, 2017 meeting to elect new officers.

I ask each of you to seriously consider submitting your name for consideration and suggesting others whom you think might be willing to serve. I know that you want the Federation to continue with our excellent programming and with our annual meetings. In order to do so, we need members willing to serve and to help plan these events.

I would like to develop a pool of names of people willing to serve as officers, board members, and helpers. If you have special skills that may be useful, please don’t be shy- let us know how you can help!
The more resources and help we have, the more we can accomplish.

Some general information about the duties of the board may be helpful to you:

Our board “meetings” have been, so far, through email and phone calls. This works admirably and allows for board members to live in any state of the federation and still communicate with each other regularly.
The primary responsibilities are to plan and implement the annual meeting by finding speakers, securing a meeting place, developing the schedule, and communicating and working with the staff at (usually) Kanuga; also managing the federation’s funds, and communicating with the National headquarters.
Terms of office are for three years.
Officers and board members must be current members of the TS and have been members for at least three years, and live in one of the states in the Mid-South Federation: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

We will be electing:

one board member

As past president, I will continue to serve on the board as an advisor.

Please email me to give me your name, your special skills if you wish, and the names of others you would like to be considered if they are willing. If you wish, call me at 828-403-2918.

We will submit the names to the nominating committee, and they will come up with a slate of names for the election. Ideally we will have so many people willing to help that we can elect officers and still have a list of willing volunteers!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Peace and love to each of you,

Jeanette Schuszler
President, Mid-South Federation

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